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When worldly awareness self-blinds you, you need an act of true love to wake

Oct 4, 2015

It infuriates me when I see someone who has the depth of character, the capacity for deep love, compassion and understanding of others, who then fails to prioritize and cultivate their personal needs in relation to how much of themselves they give and give and give to others. It may be that they give to loved ones, it may be that they give to something greater than them. We’ll call them Joes. They are perceived as great, wonderful people and everyone admires them, everyone wants to be their friend, everyone loves being in their presence. They give more than they receive and no matter how aware they are, their lack of attention to their own needs results in a lowered self-awareness.

Three things infuriate me about this:

1. Those supposed ‘friends’ of the Joes are so self-absorbed they do not see how their neediness is draining and do nothing to give in return to these Joes they love so much. Or maybe they do not want to.
2. Often, the Joes are so focused on their ability to see how they can improve problems and feel such an overwhelming urge to give, that they fail to see their own needs. When this failure is made clear to them through some form of an act of real love of them, they do not hear it or prioritize it enough for it to motivate them to take time out to act on it.
3. The amalgamation of the above two points results in the Joes draining themselves of so much energy they actually lose their drive, they lose sight of that overwhelming urge to give, give, give to others and to something greater than them. They feel low and depressed and alone.

It is at this critical moment they need that act of true love to step in and speak a little louder to them, speak a little more on their wavelength. Only we have such little awareness or training in modern life of how to speak to those Joes in the exact way for them to hear us. It is so frustrating yet also motivating. This is the moment to find the motivation for growth. Push that much harder through all your resistance and all the pain and fear to find that skill lying dormant deep inside you, to speak directly to the heart of that Joe. If more of us were able to get there can you imagine? So take a small step today towards it. Take a small step every day until you can take a bigger step and eventually a stride. It will take time until you are slowly jogging or full on sprinting to that end goal. Reap the rewards of motivating your Joe to find their motivation again and get back in their horse. And then your journey begins again. Something new to improve. Some new way to grow.

Just as you see the world in a different light, it is now time to challenge that viewpoint further and start from the same pain and fear and work your way up again. Keep doing this. Go through this cycle all your life. In certain moments, stop and look back to see how far you have come.

Appreciate all you have achieved. Be grateful for what you are. Love that. Love life. It keeps on going, so you keep on going. Just like you perfect your work skills to be the best, cultivate your life skills to be the best. The reward is never ending and the job is never done. Even after you die, you leave behind those moments you have shared with others, who will then influence others and so on.

Your life’s touch and effect on others never end. Make it count. Make it something you want to be proud of. It really is greater than just one person, just you. Yet, you are such a vital piece of the pie. Digest that. Keep living. Keep loving. Keep moving forward.

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